Weight loss has always been an issue with me and I had tried almost everything to lose weight but failed. It was like whatever I tried made me gain even more. I never accepted that and was so unhappy. The pain caused by people’s comment about my weight was tremendous. I was determined to do something not to stop their negative comments but to loose weight for myself and to adopt a healthy lifestyle. I heard about FLL from Dr Ngwenya who had used the programme and recommended it.

I weighed 76.9 kg when I started the programme and my goal weight was 60kg. I completed the forms and did the bloods. All went well and quick by the end of the week I had my programme guide. I had never been happier for I was doing something just for Me. I felt I was taking charge of my own life.

There were hiccups at the beginning but Angie guided me through – one step at a time. She was so motivational and ready to help anytime I had questions or didn’t understand something.
When I had lost 10 kg I got really stressed because it was like I was stuck – The frustration was that I had come to the point where I was not losing much even though I had followed the diet accurately. For me this was a moment I called – desolation time. I wanted to give up but Angie supported and encouraged me to carry on – no matter how slow the process. People’s bodies are different she said as long as you stick to the programme you’ll be fine – she said. She continued to say “remember why you started in the first place. When just continue a little more and when you reach 64 kg and you say Angie I feel sexy enough I’ll let you stop.” I was impatient and actually expected too much from myself. I actually picked up myself and enjoyed the process. When I reached 64 kg I was so eager to reach my goal weight. I even wondered why I wanted to give up in the first place. It took me 5 months to reach my goal weight.

I’m now 17.3 kg lesser and feel great.

Now that I have reached my goal weight
1. I feel happy and confident. I feel light, healthy and most importantly BEAUTIFUL. I have reclaimed my well-being and I’m so proud of what I have achieved
2. I fit into anything I want to wear and look amazing
3. I actually have a beautiful body I had forgotten and now I’ll wear anything and still look stunning
4. I will enjoy the things I didn’t enjoy before when I was still overweight e.g. running. Who knows maybe by next year I’ll do 21 kms then 42 kms and I CAN
As a person we should never allow ourselves to be destroyed by what people say to us about weight etc. but use their ignorance and hateful comments to strengthen you and tacklethings you never knew you could. You can be anything you want to be and can achieve anything in life if you just believe – be patient with yourself and just enjoy your life along each day and feel good about yourself

Lessons learnt during the programmes:
1. I learnt to be patient with myself and the importance of enjoying my life in each and everyday
2. To make healthy food choices and know what’s good for my body
3. Trust myself that I CAN achieve anything I put my mind into
It’s been a joy to walk with Angie in my journey to weight loss – she is patient and taught me a lot. She believed in me more than I believed in myself. Even when I wanted to give up she never gave up on me – she saw strength in me that I could do it and Yes I made it right to the goal weight Fat loss lab is the best thing that has ever happened to me – I recommend it to everyone it’s the way to healthy living.

Thanks a lot
Sibongile Dlamini