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Angie Carratu
I have been overweight for most of my life, even as a child. I honestly thought that I was just made to be big!! After trying just about every other programme and offering available, I found FAT LOSS LAB. I started my programme in October 2009 and lost 40kg’s in 5 months and have successfully managed to maintain my weight ever since. I had found the one programme that delivered what it promised and have. I said good-bye to the corporate world and bought the first franchise agency for Natal and have been an active agent since November 2009. To further compliment the programme, I introduced an ‘all-round look and feel good service’ including colour coding and dress style analysis to emphasize your new shape and positive body image.
I have been overweight for most of my life, even as a child. I honestly thought that I was just made to be big!! After trying just about every other programme and offering available, I found FAT LOSS LAB. I started my programme in October 2009 and lost 40kg’s in 5 months and have successfully managed to maintain my weight ever since. I had found the one programme that delivered what it promised and have. I said good-bye to the corporate world and bought the first franchise agency for Natal and have been an active agent since November 2009. To further compliment the programme, I introduced an ‘all-round look and feel good service’ including colour coding and dress style analysis to emphasize your new shape and positive body image.
031 765 3997
082 572 2291
082 572 2291